Wednesday, 23 September 2020

A Granny's Diary - Autumn Veg-love - Still September 2020 for a few more days - And my harvest needs to be brought in !!

 Hello there,

On this Wedmesday, 23rd September, and a busy morning and I'm still waiting to get to my garden.  Not going is not an option.  I may have to catch a bus if the Grandpa who shares my life doesn't want to drive me there.  Which, of course, is his to decide but, my garden needs attention and plants and canes will not uproot themselves, the earth will not clear itself of faded debris and my new seedlings awaiting transplantion to their permanent growing homes will just remain in situ until I've belatedly caught up with everything else.

I was so late with my veggie planting this year, because of a late decision to grow veg. this dreadful year of Covid-19 horror, so my harvest is late but, if I don't  cut my losses and gather in what is there now, well I shall be late again for next year.

Late beginnings and even later transplants to garden soil means plants have less time to grow and develop their full growth potential and flowerings, like my dahlias this year, who simply have only now begun to do well in my gardene.  An alternative view of this skewed progress is that late developing plants appear at a fallow time, when earlier planting shemes are ending.  That's as good as its bad.  Yes to late appearances of blooms when earlier blossoms are done with and yes to being laid back and philosophical about one's garden produce but No to more to do, seemingly all at once clearance-wise and harvesting, and the less well-developed veg and flowers and late bloomers, is definitely Not my thing this year.  Also who if any of us know what lies ahead, how things may or may not turn out and ...what if I cannot  garden at all next year, if I'm cast upon the shores of life, only watching from afar as others garden, grow and enjoy the fruits of their labours.

Well, the rain has stopped so perhaps I could get to my allotment garden for more dahlia pickings and for removinmg my French bean wigwam and his second batch of runner beans.

Up and out early before the rain comes is probably the best solution.  Forget the housework and other chores and simply concentrate of the veg-scene as much as possible.


Margaret xxx

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