Oh the rain, the damp and humidity of "summer" 2016. It's almost unbelievable and yet it continues unabated, seemingly.
The garden is full of weeds, growing a mile a minute, the slugs and snails are everywhere amongst the damp greenery and one's precious blooms are drooping in despair.
I have bought several support frames for the peonies and poppies so they are looking much better now, thank goodness but smaller plants are disappearing beneath the grasses and, of course, if the rain keeps you indoors much of the time, the garden chores don't go away, they just stack up!
Him indoors celebrated a big birthday last weekend with a large family party, which was great fun. On the Saturday I was at Brighton for the big WI AGM which was very exciting with two brilliant speakers and a "last night of the Proms" style musical finale. All Ladies were up on their feet, singing lustily, cheering and madly flag-waving their Union Jacks. All terribly emotional and heart-warming. Can't wait for my next AGM visit but it may not be next year, in Liverpool, but another year perhaps!
I was at Chelsea Flower Show and invited onto the red carpet for the 5000 Poppies Campaign of Australia and organised by Lynn and Margaret - "Lest We Forget" - Chelsea was absolutely fabulous and I relished every minute, arriving nicely in good time at 10.50 when it was still morning-fresh and departing around 4pm.
Well as I finish writing, the sun has been out for a few hours and I could have ventured into the garden or even hung out washing. Instead we had tea and chat with friends and got in a few more comestibles to keep the 'fridge happy, and us too.
We are getting to grips with Slimming World and its foodie diet and we mean to succeed, somehow !!!
Toodle Loo...
Margaret xxx