Saturday, 5 December 2015

Saturday Morning Chatter - Saturday 5th December 2015 - and, thank goodness, its not raining !

Ok it looks a little dull but dry outside and its not raining as was promised.  So its off to The Lakes at Adderbury to offer a helping hand with the monthly maintenance chores of this lovely setting.

Then to St. Mary's Church to photo the Christmas Tree Festival and to vote for our favourite tree.  I'll be capturing all the trees to show you and particularly our WI Christmas tree dressed and ravishing in our WI colours of green, violet and white, bright lights, Christmas boxes, baubles and Christmas star.

The Festival goes on all today and tomorrow followed by a Victorian Carol Service on late afternoon Sunday, 6th December.  Raised funds will go to the church and Katharine House Hospice.

Then we go to watch the Dear SO's granddaughter take part in her school Christmas performance which I'm confident will be very exciting for all the children taking part.

Then hopefully, we will come home, do a little work, snooze awhile - Him definitely - and then we have a small drinks and nibbles party to enjoy with friends out in the country this evening, which should be good fun and a very pleasant way to end our day.

NB must look, up that poetry for book club meet on Monday, get on with my latest writing idea and.....oh yes, Hoover the carpet. mop up the kitchen after supper and er. what else...oh I do know...get to bed and go to sleep!!!

Happy weekend folks

Daisy xxx

Our WI tree...I must take a few clearer photos for the details for you to appreciate and


take a few photos of our fabulous village of Adderbury for you to enjoy ¬

Friday, 4 December 2015

Christmas is on its way - Wednesday 2nd December 2015 -

Counting the days to Christmas and step-counting my way to fitness and yesterday I walked 11,865 steps which is nicely over my target figure of 10,000 so that's good.  In fact, its rather amazing really.

Today I've only notched up 5,092 which is also good, if somewhat less.  Yesterday I was gardening and then shopping which made it very easy to make all those steps.  And tomorrow I'm gardening, then Christmas tree dressing for Adderbury's Christmas Tree Festival this weekend beginning Friday thru' to Sunday.  Then tomorrow evening we have our WI Social evening with our Christmas meal at a local hotel all of which should amount to a good number of steps.

Housework does not count towards a step-count but I do consider it to be a work-out, buffing the furniture, swabbing down worktops, bathrooms, kitchens, Hoovering etc.  All good work which can make you very  hot indeed - hence a good work-out!

Which is just as well with all that lovely festive food we're all looking forward to, anticipating even, and that's fine which is why we've given up eating bread and cakes.  Talking cakes, I've not made a Christmas cake for years now or indeed even a Christmas pudding, which is a real shame.  But, well if you make them you've got to eat them of course and, when the mixture's good and the marzipan is thick and the icing soft around a lovely rich, dark fruit cake, how can you possibly resist.

My Grandmother used to tell stories of her mother's Christmas cake sliced and cut up into finger-sized pieces to make it last longer.  As she had many brothers and sisters, I imagine this seemed to be a good idea to my Great Grandmother.

Making ready for Christmas now also involves dressing our WI Christmas tree for St. Mary's Church Christmas Tree Festival and we did this together yesterday afternoon and here's a first picture of our beautiful tree garlanded with baubles, Christmas boxes, paper chains and my Christmas star all decorated in green, violet and white which are the WI colours we've used since our very beginnings in 1915.  The colours represent the thoughts and aspirations of the suffragettes, some of whom were active in our beginnings and they stand for - green for give - violet for votes - white for women - Give Votes for Women.

Our Christmas boxes are presents and denote our "presence" in all of our  lives, and mostly only vaguely known to a great many contemporary folk.  The baubles hold dates of individual Resolutions actioned for to bring about a change for good while the attached labels promote a picture from that campaign.  The paper chain carries our slogan - Inspiring Women.  My Star is patterned on both sides to convey the thought - "there's more to the WI than meets the eye" and its fixings are slightly off-centre to enforce that idea of much more than "just Jam and Jerusalem" from the war-time efforts of jam making and usage of a huge glut of wild and domestic fruit, with government donated sugar, to help feed our food depleted nation and the singing of Jerusalem which became our rallying and campaign song in about 1918.  We still sing Jerusalem at important meetings while others sing it every time they meet.

It's quite amazing the kick one gets out of singing Jerusalem.

Must dash and Toodle Loo ...

Daisy xxx

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Christrmas is Upon us But.....Tuesday 1st December 2015 - I'm still in the garden !

Let it be well recorded here and elsewhere December 1st has been a glorious day for getting things done.

The weather has been bright and clear, with bright sun, a little morning breeze and a beautiful afternoon for dog walking, which I enjoyed with doggie friend Rupert.  We were walking over Bankside fields in Banbury where developments are afoot to create a housing entity....but for now we walkers and companions are free to walk up and down the fields, throw balls for our friends and from the top field, view a vista of canal, fields, railway service, motorway and overhead planes.  Just like the song, almost and trains, roads and planes.

I think my love of the wide open vista comes from childhood's reading of the Milly Molly Mandy books where on the inside front and back covers, there is a view of her countryside village and environs, with friends' houses inserted, trees, meeting places, brooks and fields.

On Saturday, we were at the Adderbury Christmas Market setting up Adderbury WI stall with members' homemade cakes and preserves and copies for sale of our 2016 Calendar showcasing our fabulous village.

we highlighted our calendars with Christmas lights

The Katharine House Hospice stall

I'm sad to say I didn't get to the Deddington Farmers' Market  or Apples for Eggs event but will another time.

We were out to family dinner on Saturday evening for which I made a chocolate fondant tart with light shortcrust pastry, dusted with icing sugar and dressed with cream and custard for the Dear SO!  He just loves custard!!!

It was so good there was no time to photograph it!

On Sunday He was watching the GP from Abu Dhabi when Lewis Hamilton came second to team mate Nico Rosberg - so well done Nico!  Then with Andy Murray and Great Britain's team we won the Davis Cup - our first win since 1936 - which was absolutely amazing - well done chaps.  Then our boxer Tyson Fury becomes world Heavyweight champion against Wladimir Klitschko so, wow, a great weekend for our sports hero's.

And what did I do on Sunday - I enjoyed a lovely peaceful day and loved the experience.

Bye for now

Daisy xxx

ps I was gardening today, clearing old plants out, planting my blueberry plants, digging up and replanting spring bulbs and tidying up the compost area.  I'm going to begin a new compost heap next time and see if I can clear the mud from another pathway.  Of course, most of this should have been done on my return from holiday but that cold slowed me down and here I am still trying to catch up with my blogging and stuff and now I'm also trying to prepare for Christmas.  Mind you, I have already given two Christmas presents away and written some cards so things could be much worse, hey?