Begin the
Weekend on Friday, watching Practise Sessions on BBC TV for the Hungarian Grand Prix –
Carry on
right thru’ the weekend to the GP on Sunday at 1 o'clock...!
It’s the
Weekend for – JS Auctions Next Auction
Date at Cotefield Auction Rooms, Oxford Road, Bodicote: –
Start Time – 10AM – Saturday 25th July
Viewing day
- Friday, 24th July 9am – 7pm
T/No. 01295
And Saturday morning is the time to head to Deddington for – Deddington Farmers’ Market, North Oxford – 9am
to 12.30 pm Saturday, 25th July 2015
Then look for the good stalls bound to be their ready and waiting to do business by selling you a selection of their particular goods.
Look for – Craig Churchill for Photographs;
Ameen of Oxford Delhi for Indian Foods;
Sarah of Wild Berries for fruit curds;
Styan Family for 1st season plums; The Meat Joint; Shake Oak Products; Cornfield Bakery and Craft Stalls and
Refreshments in Deddington’s Church
promised good weather after the rains of Friday which happily fell on all
gardens including my veggie bed where my new courgette plants, runner beans and
purple dwarf beans where the rain is much needed....!
My veggie garden is indeed a work-in-progress - I'm clearing the weeds as my plants require more space! - with herbs about the base of the runner beans and previous flower plants gathered about the courgettes, happily just about to fruit. I adore courgettes, don't you?
Ball Colegrave held their Open Day on Wednesday with their usual wonderful display of blooms of all kinds, in an amazing array of colours, all of which blended most happily alongside each other. One almost suffered colour-blindness, the display was so brilliant. Well, see for yourself...
and there were a few very good craft stalls which I really enjoyed visiting.... | |
Then on Thursday evening Ball Colegrave held a charity event for Guide Dogs for the Blind when the really good sum of something between £500-600. was raised from the sale of raffle tickets, hot refreshments and delicious cakes and doughnuts and then an auctiion sale for the last prize which resulted in a sum of £40. for a most attractive potted plant. Here's a few more photos from Thursday's event which was really great fun for all of us...
Happy weekend to you all!