Wednesday, 6 January 2016

New Year get Up and Go - Forward - Wednesday 6th January 2015 - A new Mini-blog for 2016

A new breakfast pot for a new year and I'm breakfasting on oats, water and frozen mixed berries!

My fave breakfast - homemade muesli with blueberries.  I found English blueberries in Tesco stores last summer which was fine. No long-haul flight cost, no air miles and eating locally grown, well food locally-grown somewhere in England.

That's great I thought.  But then, come the winter months, thoughts turn to other costs - you guessed it - Christmas - so I figured a bit of economising would be good right now.  So buy frozen berries was the best thought I came up with back then.  Off to find berries nicely frozen in small containers and it wasn't so very easy to find but, I persevered, coming home with blueberries, mixed berries and raspberries.

The blueberries went first.  l found they were not like the fresh ones, of course, and the flavour was altered.  Leaving berries to thaw then adding them to muesli and milk or oats and milk was not a good way forward.

Next experiment, put together equal amounts of porridge oats, water plus handful of frozen berries and leave to marinate, infuse,even hang about until the next breakfast hour, then add the tiniest half-spoonful of soft brown sugar and, hey presto, you have some worthy breakfast to get you going on another busy day of writing, blogging and step-counting while you walk the dog!

And here it is, all ready to go in a cute little Kilner jar from the china cupboard...

Success for my first mini-blog of 2016 - my way forward for busy days.  I so often want and need to write but time runs away with me.

So here's to a brilliant new year work regime for me and my reader!

Daisy xxx