Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Deddington Farmers' Market - Saturday, 22nd August 2015 - GP Day for Belgium, Gardening and Cooking...

A   beautiful summer’s day for August’s farmers’ market at Deddington.  It is very hot, bright and sunny and, because I’m late, I must park down from the doctors’ surgery beneath a tree swagged with bunches of almost ripe elderberries.  The road is dotted with elder, each one bright with berries and I’m sure other berry watchers have spotted this great bounty slowly ripening before our very eyes!  It’s almost that season again when fruit and vegetable swell and ripen to magnificence and cooks everywhere prepare to chutney, jam and pickle!

I slip into centre of the village, noting stone and brick of ancient cottage, the fine vicarage and garden and the church of St. Peter and St. Paul where the regular Craft Market is held.  I had not appreciated this came under the auspices of the church fathers, as a separate entity to the farmers’ market.  It’s a happy coincidence that at both events happen in tandem!

The market area is bustling with keen shoppers when I arrive, going straight to Paddocks Product stall to compliment them on the excellence of a game pie we bought from their stall at Banbury’s Foods Festival  two weeks ago; and buy two boxes of their eggs  We shall be looking for their pies at September's Market on Saturday, 26th September And, did you know, Deddington holds its Parish Show on Saturday, 5th September, open to the public at 2pm.

here's a view of Deddington from the Church tower

Marketeers and market goers continued to make their purchases all through the morning but numbers were slightly down probably because of holiday-going families, maybe even because of the heat of the sun; it really was extremely warm and very pleasant.

I visit Ellie’s Kitchen for veggie rissoles and a huge piece of courgette and feta cheese pie…

The stall of Styan Family Products - for Kohl Rabi, a marrow, two aubergine and carrots...

  Then to New Creation Farm stall for their English apricots and new season’s apples Grenadier – “a Cooker which fluffs up like Bramley” – and - “eater Discovery”.  

New season's apples from New Creation Farm

 To Mr. Anson’s vegetable, fruit and flower stall for broccoli, to make up a batch of broccoli hummus, as well as white onions, French beans and parsnips

 On to Cornfield Bakery for half-a-loaf of their Sourdough bread which is to be made into Parmesan cheesy toasts to go with a kale and bean soup I’m going to make this weekend.  

I also need oil for salad dressings etc. so visit Granary Oils for their Walnut oil and Rapeseed Oil infused with Chilli and Garlic... contact via - info@granaryoils.co.uk

 I buy a box of dark juicy blackberries from Katie of QGardens Farm Shop, Abingdon, knowing full-well they won’t get into that apple and blackberry pie I romantically think to make tomorrow!!! 

However, I did buy an apple and blueberry pie from Nightingales Farm at Bentley, Atherstone, Warwickshire, putting it straightway into my freezer after I’d taken photos of all items bagged today at Deddington. 

contact via - info.19gales@gmail.com

To complete my shopping, I buy a jar of Pure Oxfordshire Honey from Mrs. Fenemore of Home Farm Clifton  ......

and visit Craig Church to view his natural history photography and loved his rather attractive framed poppy photo and you can chat to him too via www.craigchurchill.co.uk - to Virginia Yip at her charity stall for the Thai Children's Trust and the stall of Friends of Deddington Library, who are endeavouring to encourage members of the public to become a member of their Friends group for keeping the library open and fully functioning.  They were also promoting a September 12th event at Deddington’s Windmill Centre to meet Freddie Knoller, Resistance Fighter and Survivor of the Holocaust...

Also present today was author Linda Newbery, signing her
books and meeting fans.  She will be doing an event at the library at 12.30pm for children 8 years+, their families and anyone who might be interested in her new wartime novel BLITZ BOYS .Tickets available from Deddington, Children £3 each, adults - numbers are limited. http://www.lindanewbery.co.uk

I popped into the church to visit Sue Jeffries at her antiques stall – contact via - farmhen@googlemail.com -  to the Phoenix Card stall and to chat to Mary Canny, Glass Artist/Designer, contact via - marycanny@hotmail.com  Then I caught up with AR Gill Pottery to talk about their brilliant frost proof terracotta flower pots on their second visit to Deddington.  I really hope they’ll be at September’s market.

Well, it was time to go, with the market packing up for the day and laden shoppers taking their fresh buys and goods home, on this very hot summer’s day. 

I must water my veg and flower gardens and call in to JS Auctions of Bodicote to see how their auction sale is progressing and then I really must water the dear SO’s cucumbers, tomatoes and runner beans before I can go home…Phew what a day!!!

Daisy xxx

Ball Colegrave Open Garden Day - Wednesday, 22nd July 2015 - Reflections on a flower-fuelled Event Not To Be Missed

Reflections on a flower-fuelled Event! -  It’s that time of the year again when Ball Colegrave of Adderbury throw open their doors to admit their very enthusiastic public who arrive in droves to ooh and aah at the wonderful display of blooms set out on a background of smooth green velvet, to wander up and down manicured pathways, pristine greenhouses and all nooks and crannies simply bursting with colourful petal on petal, all determined to be “best in show”!

For sheer exuberance of colour, style and aesthetic pleasure Ball Colegrave’s Open Garden Day is an Event of prime importance for garden novice to ancient gardener of 50 year’s standing, for the knowledge to be gained from simply walking about looking at plants, acquiring plant names and varieties, colour mixing and matching and seeing what a dedicated and scientific study of plants and their habits can produce.

There are plant catalogues to amass, answers to be gained from helpful staff and impetus for striving over and over again in your endeavour to grow beautiful blooms and plants of your own. 

 Also on show, of course, their tomato and vegetable plants to contemplate and delight in.....and herbs to appreciate...

Then, of course, you have the opportunity of buying one or two, or even more, of their potted plants for your own garden to enjoy and watch over until once more you have the opportunity of visiting Ball Colgrave again!

Along with the gardens to view, refreshment to bought and enjoyed is a small craft fair to be viewed and noted for the fine display of goods and wares provided by this year’s team of ardent local crafts people such as…

.Pure Organic Beauty by NYR Organic presented by Independent Consultant Kirsten Kinsella-Miles – with contact via – ‘phone 07968 769 947 or e:kirstenkinsella 1@hotmail.com

Garden in Time with contact via – www.gardenintime.co.uk or at ,Julie.charleswort.1@btinternet.com

Then Nicci Wright for Handmade Knitted Accessories and Textiles with contact via – handmadebyheartcotswolds@gmail.com

Annie Lawrence Independent Phoenix Trader for beautiful cards etc. with contact via ‘phone 07779091555 or e:annie@lawriescards.co.uk

Flooseymoo Jewellery for Original, handcrafted semi-precious gemstone and Sterling silver jewellery with contact via – ‘phone 07738 634472 or e: flooseymoojewellery@gmail.com

 And....GlassBits by Gill Cohen for Stained glass gifts wilth contact via - 'phone 07764 276951 or - www.glassbits.org

I certainly bought two and may even have taken four brilliant  Dahlia's home with me for my tiny flower garden just beyond my veggie garden where herbs and flowers intermingle...geums, lavender, parsley, mint, small sunflowers, viola and chives and penstemon and an oregano - and Dahlias !!!

From garden to garden - a sheer heaven of bliss and enjoyment to capture, treasure and dwell in - what more could one need or desire!

Happy garden plants to all my friends...

Daisy xxx

Monday, 31 August 2015

Adderbury Community Food Market - Thursday, 13th August 2015 - to bag me a picnic feast xxx

It was a very quick visit to Adderbury for their August Community Food Market’s meeting on 13th August at The Institute for I was also due at The Pig Place to watch Mikron Theatre’s production of “Raising Agents” and I had come to buy myself a picnic supper to take with me.

The Market was very lively with a good throng of interested customers, business was brisk and I met up and chatted with other friends about the show and village activities.

I bought vegetable fritters and a piece of spinach pie from Mark of Ellie’s Kitchen at – mail: ellistago@gmail.com or ‘phone: 07500 614283.......

A cherry yoghurt from Sarah West of Appletree Products - contact via - appletreeproducts@hotmail.co.uk  - 

Then from Jo Thompson of Once Bitten I bought her Organic Granol and you may contact  Jovia – enquiries@oncebittenltd.co.uk - ....

here's Jo at her wonderful food stall

....a bag of which I’d meant to buy in July but somehow missed by stopping to talk to friends then buying a jar of Adderbury Honey from Helen Raine ......

who is contactable via – rainehelen@hotmail.com or by ‘phone at 07967 195132

Hot food was supplied by Kim who served up her delicious Green Thai Curry and I’ve heard she will be at September’s Market event on Thursday, 10th September which means I’ll get the chance to sample her lovely food then, with the next market event now just ten days away!

How quickly is the summer flying by with the last day of August today, on this wet Bank Holiday Monday - here’s a few more mid-August photos to feast on…

Well, that was a very busy day - gardening all morning, then home to upload photos and deal with paperwork, then to visit Adderbury Community Food Market for my picnic and take more phot, finally off to The Pig Place to watch the Mikron Theatre's production of "Raising Agents".

Happy eating friends!

Daisy xxx