Friday, 27 November 2015

Pre-Christmas Busy Weekend Ahead - Friday, 27th November 2015

Tomorrow Adderbury's St. Mary's Church hosts their Christmas Market from 11 - 4pm and its an absolutely smashing affair.  Wonderful stalls selling wonderful items of all kinds, the WI selling members' homemade food plus coffee and eats and lunch food too.

As Christmas events go, its definitely not an Event to miss.

Watch this space for photos!

Also tomorrow, Deddington Farmers' Market is open for its monthly sales of glorious local food, masses of variety and the Craft Fair in the Church.  Two splendid happenings in one most attractive village.

The next meeting is on Saturday 17th December, just in time for Christmas and I freely urge you to attend if you're in Oxfordshire.

In Banbury, our first ever Apples for Eggs event for which I have a ticket...and I'm hoping to be able to get there with some chutney etc.

Also of course, this weekend its the last GP of the season at Abu Dhabi and the dear SO will be glued to whatever medium he might watch the proceedings on,,,,hehehe

Have a brilliant weekend everybody

Daisy xxx

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Getting into go again at JS Auctions Bodicote, Oxfordshire Friday, 20th November 2015

Back home again and getting going with events and occasions so here we are at JS Auctions Bodicote -   - for another fine auction sale and after a busy day we've come to take a few photos 
on Friday evening on viewing day after which I'll upload and write a Catch Up post tomorrow morning with a few
future dates.

Well that didn't quite happen as anticipated because at home time had to be given over to finding a lost docuent which should have been in a handy desk tray and well, it wasn't.
So on Saturday morning I was still searching and then, still not finding my document, I had to get out to my veg.
garden for a continuation of clear-up. tidy-up duties. It is wonderful to garden the whole sumer thru.' but there comes an end date when exhausted plants and greenery smply
have to be cleared away and the ground left in a good condition for the winter months.  So that was the rest of my Saturday time used up in the garden.

Coming home for a change out of wet clothing and to go out walking down to the town for some items and to
notch up some of my daily 10,000 steps which, unfortunately, I didn't quite do but enough to make a good dent 
and feel pleased.  Work, even gardening, is just a good work-out and exercise like brisk walking is what you need to do on top of your regular or weekend activities.

On Sunday I'm lunching with my family and taking some Christmas presents too just because I can whic
makes every one laugh - for once I'm much too early - and we'll all meet up again on Christmas eve which
is brilliant.  Here's a family photo...

my two brilliant great-nieces home from uni, for the weekend with my niece

Sunday evening I'; be glued to our TV for Monty Don's wonderful new programme series - The Secret History of British Gardens.  Tonight he is telling us about 18th
century garden Croome Court and the wonderful Chatsworth garden and the work of three individual gardeners
William Dent, Lanceclot Capability Brown and Henry Repton.  A DVD of the programme is to come out on 7th December and perfect for a brilliant Christmas present.

Finally on Monday morning I found my missing document and dealt with it immediately which was a huge relief.

Sunday was, as you know, Stir Up Sunday  with the text "Stir up the souls of the people" and lovingly referred to a Christmas pudding Stir up Sunday and, in past years
I would have been busy mixing my fruit mixtures, turning it into greased bowls for steaming, getting them cooked in the following week.  Not this year again and not
for a long time but oh \I do wish I had been making my puddings.  The dear Man 's family group are not really into Christmas pudding thus now I normally buy one
from Marks and Spencer but I do make my own rum butter for that is an absolute favourite of mine.

We were at Wakehurst Place during my week away and here's a photo or two just to show how glorious a venue 
it is to visit - Wakehurst Place - Kew Gardens in the country...

Did you see my post on photograph, I do hope so !

Toodle loo

Daisy xxx