Friday, 19 June 2020

A Granny's Diary - 12th Week of Lockdown

Here we are, still in Lockdown yet with some easings happening right now.  Good or scary ??  Well, I guess that all depends on your perspective on our ongoing situation this week.

Well, we're still self-isolating, just going to our allotment for exercise and gardening, which is absolutely super.  And like a great many other Grannies, I've been keeping myself busy, making the best of this dreadful time.  Keeping up-to-date with the PM's daily CV news relay, keeping the house tidy, being in touch with family and friends, exercising and having a regular timetable of activities - just to keep me sane.   Not climbing the walls or murdering the Grandpa, sharing my lockdown days and, actually, quite enjoying the time, just being myself and doing all the little things which make life interesting.  Fully realising that I am in a most fortunate place right now; self-isolating with a houseful of craft/hobby activities, an online presence, my WI activities and interests and my allotment for exercise and home-grown food.  Also, having a regular Sainsbury's shopping event to look forward to, which is fabulous; the biggest chore of the week deciding what we need and, for Him, deciphering my sguiggly writing !

Making ready for the delivery is quite another chore.  Gloves on, fill sink with warm water and Fairy Liquid, fresh  dishcloth to hand.  Cover dining room table with mats, tea towels for cleaned items, and printed list + pen.  He brings shopping in; I unpack and wipe-down each item then put on table for checking; throw away emptied shopping bag.  Each bag of shopping items wiped down, checked-off, into kitchen for storage with frozen items first, followed by dairy, veggies, dry goods, bathroom then household items.  All emptied shoppers thrown away, dish cloth to laundry basket, gloves washed and sink emptied.

From this week's shop, my regular jar of marmalade was missing - horror attack - no breakfast marmalade -  that just cannot be.  My solution.  Make a batch myself. We have a few lemons, some oranges and I manage to buy a few limes and lemons from our local PH pop-up shop.  And, we made a visit to a local food shop for extra sugar, wearing gloves and mask of course. So yesterday, I made a small batch of three-fruit marmalade and a huge pot of lettuce soup, with my home-grown mixed leaves salad item, from the allotment, on which we dined last night.  This morning for breakfast, my own marmalade on homemade Sourdough San Fran bread - just how glorious is that ??

From Baby-Boomer to Lockdown self-isolating '70's generation - me a most fortunate member of this particular age-group, and very thankful to be so.  Not financially over-provisioned yet well-supplied with a life-time's collection of bits and pieces to help me thru'. these difficult days, and  hopefully, well-beyond to the "new normality" whenever that begins !!

Stop-press - News this morning - 9.42 am  Today, Thursday 18th June - Dame Vera Lynn the "Forces Sweetheart" has just died, aged 103 - which news must surely sadden our entire Nation.  My sincerest condolences to Dame Vera's family xxx

News also today - 18 June 2020 -  80th Anniversary of President Charles DeGaulle's famous BBC Broadcast to rally his fellow-countrymen, urging them to resist the Nazi invasion, which had happened four days earlier.  80th Anniversary of French Resistance of WW2 today.

Margaret xxx