Wednesday, 3 June 2020

A Granny's Diary - Oldies Shopping Day

Our shoppinjg has just been delivered by the nice man from Sainsbury's.  It's Saturday evening at 10pm .  He's busily ticking off our food items from the list and I'm running backwards and forwards taking our food out of the shopping bags, wiping each item down with a freshly rinsed out hot dish cloth and put each new item on the table besides him, for  that oh so vital tick.  And then of course, it's time to fill our cupboards and 'fridge/freezer with these new foodie numbers.  Hurrah - we have enough food for another week, and milk and butter and I'm making my sourdough bread !

I really do love my sourdough bread but frankly I'm seemingly better at making bricks than making San Fran sourdough.  I keep trying different recipes, new ideas and sometimes my creation is not quite as much of a brick as the previous one, and sometimes its not!

Ah never mind, we were talking about shopping.  We are most fortunate having our weekly food  box delivered.  We oldies count our blessings, relishing our non-attendance at our favourite foodie cathedral and having more time for the garden.

Ah ha  the garden.  My bee and butterfly garden was all set  to host all flowers designed to attract bees and butterflies and other pollinators.  But I gave in to His idea that we should grow some veggies, for future poverty needs, which has resulted much more work for me and even some digging.  I believe in the no-diggiong principle but have to admit our ground did need some fork and spade work but, oh gosh, it does make for hard work and extra creeks and groans when you've done.

We've just picked our first little handful of microgreen leave and hoping for many more to come.

What a peculier time we're living through right now.  Thank goodness, things may be improving more soon but when our new normality will settle down, is anybody's guess.


Margaret xxx

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