Puppy sitting for a family pet and clearing up of wetted papers, one can easily forget a very young puppy needs toys to play with - so very early this morning trying to hand write my draft blog in advance - I gave little Lola Bear a small satsuma to play with on the kitchen floor; already covered with sheets of newspaper and his nappy mat! And it worked rather well!
Whizzing across the quickly paper-shredded and chewed paper, taking sips of water and amusing himself for a few seconds, I was able to get down a few of the thoughts rushing about my head, thankfully.
Of course, puppies need other things like training, regular walkies and lots of affection. Their sharp cocktail stick like teeth will chew your fingers, your slippers (like LB was doing to mine this morning) and everything he nose comes into contact with, will suffer the same fate. When our very young Dalmatian came to live with us he chewed my slippers to destruction, a younger sister's pet poodle toy and my mother's fur hat!
They also need lots of your time and energy, which is absolutely wonderful - ;puppies are such fun!!!
A joint Christmas and early birthday present has enabled me to buy myself a new camera and slowly I'm beginning to get the hang of my brilliant new "toy". I've not downloaded any photos yet - they're not terribly good yet - but I'll get better very soon, phew?
We had a wonderful NYE's party last night with very dear friends and, of course, Lola Bear, had to come too and she was very definitely the star of the evening; Top (Puppy) Dog you might say!!!
So now it's New Year's Day 2015 and Lola Bear and me are soon off out to do some stuff, take photos and have some fun, I hope.
HAPPY NEW YEAR GREETINGS dear friends from me and Lola Bear.....
Well, we're off and let's see what fun we can find to do.......
I'll return shortly.
Daisy xxx
Happy New Year xxx
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