Friday, 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas One and All - Christmas Day - 25th December 2015

Merry Christmas decorations for 2015
Dear Friends everywhere,

We all celebrate the  Christmas festive season in our own way and that is how it should be, so may I wish everyone a wonderful day today, however you are spending this time.

Last night with family I attended a candle lit  Christmas Service in a tiny village in Oxfordshire. The congregation filled the church to bursting point with families and friends all, and it was truly delightful to be there with our family.

The Service was the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols whose existence came into being at the end of WWI and its format has scarcely changed since then, apart from locally chosen hymns and carols, and has been heard in many places worldwide

Later on I went to the Midnight Service at my own Church in Adderbury which begins at 11.30 pm.  I actually got there at 10.45pm so had plenty of minutes to think about Christmas.

One of my  thoughts was on the fact  that we had a full moon shining down on all of us this year, the first such Christmas for  38 years, since December 1977.  The next such time for a future Christmas will be December 2034, 19 years hence from now.  Will I still be around to enjoy the spectacle, one wonders, so I did enjoy my moonlit walk to church last night, and back home too after the Service
The night was filled with a brilliant light and it was truly a glorious sight to see.

Merry Christmas everyone...

Daisy xxx

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

It's Almost Christmas - Sunday, 20th December 2015 - and just a few lose ends to tie up...

Ho, ho, ho!  It’s almost Christmas, as you may know, and everyone's rushing madly about looking for that particular item to buy for that very special family member, friend or neighbour.  Time is running out for sending cards and parcels via our brilliant postal services and the clock's ticking loudly.  Saturday was the final day for second class post and Monday saw the last day for first-class items for pre-Christmas delivery.

We went to Deddington Farmers’ Market for their Christmas Market and into the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul for their excellent Craft Fair which, happily, presents on the same day!

My first visit was to the stall of Sue Jeffries for her fascinating collection of gift items, jewellery, china and leather goods.  My choice pick of the day was a pretty blue-stone ring which I came back for later on – a “me-to-me” pressie!

Everyone who should be here was here, the kitchen doing a roaring trade and people happily milling about the stalls viewing and buying, enjoying the atmosphere and greeting friends.  All stalls were beautifully dressed in their Christmas finery making it a joyous activity to wander about the Fair.

My top favourite stall visits were to Sue Jeffries for her lovely choice of gift and antique items, to Sue Merry’s Seamstress stall for her beautifully displayed fabric covered notice boards and cushions; to Vicky Hibberd’s Silversmith stall for her charming silver necklace and ear-ring set; to Mary Canny’s Glassware stall for her brilliant glass design, to the Fairtrade stall hosted by Virginia Yip which won first prize for best dressed stall; to the pottery stall of A.R. Gill for his good-looking flower pots and to Jonquil Sabin’s Q @ Temple Mill stall  for her “Character Wooden Boards and other useful Ligneous Items for the Kitchen and Home”.

Here's a photo or two...

my "Christmas Stocking" ring present from me-to-me

Ring from Sue Jeffries via

Vicky Hibberd Silversmith @

Mary Canny Glass Artist/Designer via

Terracotta Flower Pots by A.R.Gill Pottery via

Sue Merry Seamstress Crafts and Soft Furnishings etc. via

Jonquil Sabin for Q @ Temple Mill for "Character Wooden Boards" may be contacted via

Here's a few more photos to please...

The Church was lively with excited shoppers and school children visiting Father Christmas' Grotto and the kitchen was extremely busy serving piping hot drinks and a tasty selection of nibbles, cakes and biscuits.

We'd not been to Deddington's Craft Fair since late summer when I bought a beautiful Merrythought teddy bear for my youngest grandson for his christening present from Sue's smashing antique and gift stall - it was good to be at Deddington again.

Toodle loo and Merry Christmas...

Daisy xxx

Monday, 7 December 2015

Adderbury Christmas Tree Festival - Weekend 4th - 6th December 2015 - Adderbury, Oxfofordshire

We've had a wonderful weekend of beautifully decorated and dressed Christmas trees at Adderbury's second annual Festival to raise funds for our church of St Mary's of Adderbury and Katharine House Hospice and Sponsored by Banbury Litho,   David Wilson Homes, Gracewell Healthcare, Strutt and Parker,  Bloor Homes and The Rosconn Group, also Kevin Behan and Midcounties Co-operatives sponsoring the delicious mince pies.

Live music, welcome refreshment served by willing helpers and a Victorian Carol Service completed a wonderful three-day Festival for beautifully decorated Christmas trees for all visitors to our church of St Mary's Adderbury to view, delight in and vote for a favourite tree.  Our Vicar, the Rev. Stephen Fletcher, resplendent in frock coat and boots, for the glorious finale of the Victorian Carol Service and announcement of the Four Favourite Tree winning Awards.

The Children and the Young People Favourite Tree award went to the Adderbury Day Nursery for their very pretty tree .....

First Voted Favourite Tree Winner award to - Adderbury & District WI for their Resolutions Christmas Tree dressed in WI colours of green, violet and white for Give Votes for Women ...

Second Voted Favourite tree Winner award to Adderbury Pumphouse Garage for their jolly clever use of  emblem decorated paper chains ...

The third Voted Favourite tree Winner award went to The Heritage Fruit Tree Company for their ingenious use of fresh and dried fruit as decoration for their most attractive tree.....

I just love tree dressing activities for Christmas and, of cousrse, a fresh, just out of the ground tree with roots is simply the best tree of all....well that's my opinion.

What do you think, hey ???

Daisy xxx

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Saturday Morning Chatter - Saturday 5th December 2015 - and, thank goodness, its not raining !

Ok it looks a little dull but dry outside and its not raining as was promised.  So its off to The Lakes at Adderbury to offer a helping hand with the monthly maintenance chores of this lovely setting.

Then to St. Mary's Church to photo the Christmas Tree Festival and to vote for our favourite tree.  I'll be capturing all the trees to show you and particularly our WI Christmas tree dressed and ravishing in our WI colours of green, violet and white, bright lights, Christmas boxes, baubles and Christmas star.

The Festival goes on all today and tomorrow followed by a Victorian Carol Service on late afternoon Sunday, 6th December.  Raised funds will go to the church and Katharine House Hospice.

Then we go to watch the Dear SO's granddaughter take part in her school Christmas performance which I'm confident will be very exciting for all the children taking part.

Then hopefully, we will come home, do a little work, snooze awhile - Him definitely - and then we have a small drinks and nibbles party to enjoy with friends out in the country this evening, which should be good fun and a very pleasant way to end our day.

NB must look, up that poetry for book club meet on Monday, get on with my latest writing idea and.....oh yes, Hoover the carpet. mop up the kitchen after supper and er. what else...oh I do know...get to bed and go to sleep!!!

Happy weekend folks

Daisy xxx

Our WI tree...I must take a few clearer photos for the details for you to appreciate and


take a few photos of our fabulous village of Adderbury for you to enjoy ¬

Friday, 4 December 2015

Christmas is on its way - Wednesday 2nd December 2015 -

Counting the days to Christmas and step-counting my way to fitness and yesterday I walked 11,865 steps which is nicely over my target figure of 10,000 so that's good.  In fact, its rather amazing really.

Today I've only notched up 5,092 which is also good, if somewhat less.  Yesterday I was gardening and then shopping which made it very easy to make all those steps.  And tomorrow I'm gardening, then Christmas tree dressing for Adderbury's Christmas Tree Festival this weekend beginning Friday thru' to Sunday.  Then tomorrow evening we have our WI Social evening with our Christmas meal at a local hotel all of which should amount to a good number of steps.

Housework does not count towards a step-count but I do consider it to be a work-out, buffing the furniture, swabbing down worktops, bathrooms, kitchens, Hoovering etc.  All good work which can make you very  hot indeed - hence a good work-out!

Which is just as well with all that lovely festive food we're all looking forward to, anticipating even, and that's fine which is why we've given up eating bread and cakes.  Talking cakes, I've not made a Christmas cake for years now or indeed even a Christmas pudding, which is a real shame.  But, well if you make them you've got to eat them of course and, when the mixture's good and the marzipan is thick and the icing soft around a lovely rich, dark fruit cake, how can you possibly resist.

My Grandmother used to tell stories of her mother's Christmas cake sliced and cut up into finger-sized pieces to make it last longer.  As she had many brothers and sisters, I imagine this seemed to be a good idea to my Great Grandmother.

Making ready for Christmas now also involves dressing our WI Christmas tree for St. Mary's Church Christmas Tree Festival and we did this together yesterday afternoon and here's a first picture of our beautiful tree garlanded with baubles, Christmas boxes, paper chains and my Christmas star all decorated in green, violet and white which are the WI colours we've used since our very beginnings in 1915.  The colours represent the thoughts and aspirations of the suffragettes, some of whom were active in our beginnings and they stand for - green for give - violet for votes - white for women - Give Votes for Women.

Our Christmas boxes are presents and denote our "presence" in all of our  lives, and mostly only vaguely known to a great many contemporary folk.  The baubles hold dates of individual Resolutions actioned for to bring about a change for good while the attached labels promote a picture from that campaign.  The paper chain carries our slogan - Inspiring Women.  My Star is patterned on both sides to convey the thought - "there's more to the WI than meets the eye" and its fixings are slightly off-centre to enforce that idea of much more than "just Jam and Jerusalem" from the war-time efforts of jam making and usage of a huge glut of wild and domestic fruit, with government donated sugar, to help feed our food depleted nation and the singing of Jerusalem which became our rallying and campaign song in about 1918.  We still sing Jerusalem at important meetings while others sing it every time they meet.

It's quite amazing the kick one gets out of singing Jerusalem.

Must dash and Toodle Loo ...

Daisy xxx

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Christrmas is Upon us But.....Tuesday 1st December 2015 - I'm still in the garden !

Let it be well recorded here and elsewhere December 1st has been a glorious day for getting things done.

The weather has been bright and clear, with bright sun, a little morning breeze and a beautiful afternoon for dog walking, which I enjoyed with doggie friend Rupert.  We were walking over Bankside fields in Banbury where developments are afoot to create a housing entity....but for now we walkers and companions are free to walk up and down the fields, throw balls for our friends and from the top field, view a vista of canal, fields, railway service, motorway and overhead planes.  Just like the song, almost and trains, roads and planes.

I think my love of the wide open vista comes from childhood's reading of the Milly Molly Mandy books where on the inside front and back covers, there is a view of her countryside village and environs, with friends' houses inserted, trees, meeting places, brooks and fields.

On Saturday, we were at the Adderbury Christmas Market setting up Adderbury WI stall with members' homemade cakes and preserves and copies for sale of our 2016 Calendar showcasing our fabulous village.

we highlighted our calendars with Christmas lights

The Katharine House Hospice stall

I'm sad to say I didn't get to the Deddington Farmers' Market  or Apples for Eggs event but will another time.

We were out to family dinner on Saturday evening for which I made a chocolate fondant tart with light shortcrust pastry, dusted with icing sugar and dressed with cream and custard for the Dear SO!  He just loves custard!!!

It was so good there was no time to photograph it!

On Sunday He was watching the GP from Abu Dhabi when Lewis Hamilton came second to team mate Nico Rosberg - so well done Nico!  Then with Andy Murray and Great Britain's team we won the Davis Cup - our first win since 1936 - which was absolutely amazing - well done chaps.  Then our boxer Tyson Fury becomes world Heavyweight champion against Wladimir Klitschko so, wow, a great weekend for our sports hero's.

And what did I do on Sunday - I enjoyed a lovely peaceful day and loved the experience.

Bye for now

Daisy xxx

ps I was gardening today, clearing old plants out, planting my blueberry plants, digging up and replanting spring bulbs and tidying up the compost area.  I'm going to begin a new compost heap next time and see if I can clear the mud from another pathway.  Of course, most of this should have been done on my return from holiday but that cold slowed me down and here I am still trying to catch up with my blogging and stuff and now I'm also trying to prepare for Christmas.  Mind you, I have already given two Christmas presents away and written some cards so things could be much worse, hey?

Friday, 27 November 2015

Pre-Christmas Busy Weekend Ahead - Friday, 27th November 2015

Tomorrow Adderbury's St. Mary's Church hosts their Christmas Market from 11 - 4pm and its an absolutely smashing affair.  Wonderful stalls selling wonderful items of all kinds, the WI selling members' homemade food plus coffee and eats and lunch food too.

As Christmas events go, its definitely not an Event to miss.

Watch this space for photos!

Also tomorrow, Deddington Farmers' Market is open for its monthly sales of glorious local food, masses of variety and the Craft Fair in the Church.  Two splendid happenings in one most attractive village.

The next meeting is on Saturday 17th December, just in time for Christmas and I freely urge you to attend if you're in Oxfordshire.

In Banbury, our first ever Apples for Eggs event for which I have a ticket...and I'm hoping to be able to get there with some chutney etc.

Also of course, this weekend its the last GP of the season at Abu Dhabi and the dear SO will be glued to whatever medium he might watch the proceedings on,,,,hehehe

Have a brilliant weekend everybody

Daisy xxx

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Getting into go again at JS Auctions Bodicote, Oxfordshire Friday, 20th November 2015

Back home again and getting going with events and occasions so here we are at JS Auctions Bodicote -   - for another fine auction sale and after a busy day we've come to take a few photos 
on Friday evening on viewing day after which I'll upload and write a Catch Up post tomorrow morning with a few
future dates.

Well that didn't quite happen as anticipated because at home time had to be given over to finding a lost docuent which should have been in a handy desk tray and well, it wasn't.
So on Saturday morning I was still searching and then, still not finding my document, I had to get out to my veg.
garden for a continuation of clear-up. tidy-up duties. It is wonderful to garden the whole sumer thru.' but there comes an end date when exhausted plants and greenery smply
have to be cleared away and the ground left in a good condition for the winter months.  So that was the rest of my Saturday time used up in the garden.

Coming home for a change out of wet clothing and to go out walking down to the town for some items and to
notch up some of my daily 10,000 steps which, unfortunately, I didn't quite do but enough to make a good dent 
and feel pleased.  Work, even gardening, is just a good work-out and exercise like brisk walking is what you need to do on top of your regular or weekend activities.

On Sunday I'm lunching with my family and taking some Christmas presents too just because I can whic
makes every one laugh - for once I'm much too early - and we'll all meet up again on Christmas eve which
is brilliant.  Here's a family photo...

my two brilliant great-nieces home from uni, for the weekend with my niece

Sunday evening I'; be glued to our TV for Monty Don's wonderful new programme series - The Secret History of British Gardens.  Tonight he is telling us about 18th
century garden Croome Court and the wonderful Chatsworth garden and the work of three individual gardeners
William Dent, Lanceclot Capability Brown and Henry Repton.  A DVD of the programme is to come out on 7th December and perfect for a brilliant Christmas present.

Finally on Monday morning I found my missing document and dealt with it immediately which was a huge relief.

Sunday was, as you know, Stir Up Sunday  with the text "Stir up the souls of the people" and lovingly referred to a Christmas pudding Stir up Sunday and, in past years
I would have been busy mixing my fruit mixtures, turning it into greased bowls for steaming, getting them cooked in the following week.  Not this year again and not
for a long time but oh \I do wish I had been making my puddings.  The dear Man 's family group are not really into Christmas pudding thus now I normally buy one
from Marks and Spencer but I do make my own rum butter for that is an absolute favourite of mine.

We were at Wakehurst Place during my week away and here's a photo or two just to show how glorious a venue 
it is to visit - Wakehurst Place - Kew Gardens in the country...

Did you see my post on photograph, I do hope so !

Toodle loo

Daisy xxx

Monday, 16 November 2015

Adderbury Community Food Market - Thursday, 12th November 2015 - for Supper and delicious food to buy...

Back home at last and ready to chat.  And tonight we've been to our favourite Adderbury Community Food Market for supper - such a busy day chasing about everywhere - we needed a good supper and Smart Cookies provided the goods with their Hot Food Special of chili con carne or their chili sin carne with rice, guacamole and tortilla chips for appetiser....

Well we grabbed supper immediately and sat down with friend Gillian for a good natter over lovely hot food, take photos and applaud Market Management as they gave awards to four worthy Adderbury institutions through their being a non-profit-making organisation.  Lots of applause and photos all round........

Then we were off to loiter over the food stalls, find free nibbles to munch on and grab a few goodies to take home, which we duly did.

Here's a few photos of the stallholders and their wares...
Goodies from Once Bitten by Jo Thompson
Patisserie from Coteswold Baking
Homemade in Oxfordshire by Maggie
Moore and Lyon for free-range eggs and chickens
Mark at Ellie's Kitchen for glorious Greek foods
Bouche Bakehouse delights
Gift Bags by Maggie of Homemade in Oxfordshire

Monsoon Estates Coffee, Chocolate Cake from Ellie's Kitchen, veggies from Mr. Anson. Cristrmas Chutney from Maggie's Homemade in Oxford and Bouche Bakehouse doughnut

Happy shopping...

Daisy xxx

Sunday, 15 November 2015

The Art of the Photograph 5 - My life in Photos - Sunday 15th November 2015

 Events & Happening v Family Occasions

I’m very quickly discovering there’s a whole world of difference between snapping away at your holiday views for home consumption and taking photographs of meetings and important social functions involving a wide variety of others.

The most important difference to take-on-board is people’s concerns, their needs and requirements and your artistic take on the event you’re attempting to frame successfully. Taking photos of an independent external event, as opposed to trying to capture one’s own family event, is as different as chalk and cheese

Many people do not like to be photographed.  You simply have to respect their feelings and avoid capturing them altogether or attempt to photo around them, missing faces but capturing their presence in sympathetic poses.

Group shots are good when you have chosen an interesting angle and when they present a combined view of joint activity, shared enjoyment and group participation.  Such takes present the spirit of the event and capture the feel of the moment and this is what is required by the participants of the occasion.  It’s that essence of a happy moment, captured in a frame, to hold and cherish for a remembrance of a special day or particular moment in time.

Of course, the photographer also has to cope with their own emotional needs with respect to the event, the essential photo-shot required and that attachment you hold towards the participants you’re endeavouring to capture.  Whilst appreciating their needs, you’re attempting to capture a story in a scene and you want to create an image that will convey the spirit of the occasion.  You need to connect with those around you, empathise with their presence and portray their involvement.

Still-life objects remain in situ while you motivate yourself to get that “good” shot; people like to move, make hand gestures to add emphasis to their presence or conversation, are interrupted by others and small children or simply melt into the background while you attempt to frame them sympathetically.  All the while you, the camera nuisance, continues to view the encircling movement for the next shot, a better take on the children playing in the garden setting, the friends’ group and the farewell-parting shot.

Plus, even if your human prop wants to be "snapped" your need for speed is essential for the sitter will shy away the instant the ordeal is over; for that's what it is, truly, for too many folk.  An ordeal for the visage, the hair, the smile - whatever really.  For the inner anguish of doubt and misconception is onlu too real for some people who may entirely refuse the lure and fantasy of the captured image, seeing that not-so-brilliant smile or lthe imperfect nose a blemish when, in reality, they are features to be known and loved by others as a family trait or a personal facet just belonging to one special person.

To be involved yet detached but still remain connected to the occasion is exacting as you grapple with your equipment, focus your attention and keep your wits about you, remembering what you require from the occasion, and deliver that good presentation, is a further refinement of the art of the photograph….and the work of the photographer to produce it, if she can!

Thank goodness one can now take masses of takes, find the best one or two and cheerfully discard the rest! Now  I'd love to include a choice group of photos, as I normally do but I simply can't make up my mind which ones to pick.  Normal service will be resumed as soon as sometime soon!!!

Daisy xxx

Friday, 23 October 2015

Adderbury Community Food Market - Thursday, 8th October 2015 - and our prize-winning supper to claim...

And we’re off to Adderbury Community Food Market as it’s the second Thursday of the month and a busy day leads us on to an exciting evening, for we’re not  just having supper with friends, taking photos and chatting to everyone as we try and buy….oh no, no no! 

With most of the regular Market team away, we were also helping to set-up the market itself and then being let loose on the market floor behind the bread stall of Cornfield Bakery in charge of sales for the evening.  And what fun we had

We were second only to Cornfield Bakery getting into The Institute that evening to get out the long tables for stalls and, busying ourselves thus, I did not see how very quickly others turned up to organise the table and stall set-up, when stallholders themselves got to work on their stalls and their display.  

Team Market stars Gill and Vicky.

stall prep.

Me with  Jo Thompson of Once Bitten...
Very quickly the Market came into being, stallholders were in charge and raring to go and the Ladies of Smart Cookies were settled into the kitchen  busy with their supper arrangements as the first market visitors poured into The Institute.

Smart Cookies at home in the kitchen....

I very quickly took my place behind the golden crust shapes before me and felt at home.  Bread is such a comfort food, an enhancer of life, a glorious filler-up for an empty vessel and a delicious accompaniment to a bowl of steamily seductive soup or a rich and deeply glossy casserole.  And toast……oh the agonies of delight of that particular food-thrill!!

September Market bread buy...

Cornfield Bakery Cottage style
Gluten-free bread by Cornfield Bakery - my particular favourite

Well the bread “flew-off the shelves” to quote a much-used modern shopping phrase.  Our table was depleted, only three loaves left to sell and the hour was still young.  It was time for supper, time for my sale companions to man the stall and time for chatter.....

the last bread sales....

friendly market  chatter...

I made for the gallery with my prize-win plate of hot Spanish Chicken and Chorizo and happy family chit-chat.  A very good end to an excellent day….with photos taken by the dear SO for somehow I’d forgotten iPhone and camera which to me is akin to forgetting keys, cards and water.  Well, it happens, hey ho!

 Paddy's coffee stall  and the Meat Joint folk 

Daisy xxx