Sometimes you just get a bee in your bonnet about a thing, an incident, a person even a daily chore and, apart from bottling it up deep down inside of you, ignoring it and carrying on as if nothing's happened really, the very best thing to do is to write about it. Have yourself a cathartic experience. Purge your feelings. Blow away the cobwebs of frustration, eliminate the crumbs of dissatisfaction and help yourself get over whatever it was, which in the first place, made you feel like blowing your top.
Let the steam evaporate, cool down and get back to what you were doing in the first place...before something occurred which got your dander up!
Then, on other occasions, I find myself wanting to say something, commit pen to paper, write a few words and phrases and do something about the words which keep spinning round and round in my head, with nowhere to go!
So, here is my place-to-go, my own personal space, just for me, to jot down whatever and whenever the need takes a hold of me. Anything,but not necessarily everything,which pops itself into my head, you understand but just a random reflection of the thoughts and happenings which sometimes make themselves apparent!
Such as...looking for buttons the other morning and rummaging through my assorted boxes. Round and deep and rose pretty, square and rectangular, made of tin or cardboard, and all packed into deeper boxes plus patterns and pattern books.
I found a few buttons, none of which suited - ah well - but what I did find was rather interesting to me. You might think so too? Here's a little list for you. A tiny yellow Easter chick, a trifle battered but still usable; a recipe for Coronation chicken written on a scrap of cardboard; some green embroidery thread from my grandfather's family clothing manufacturing concern; babies and childrens' clothing......
Then I could rhapsodise about gardening and give you a few beauty tips to follow while you garden...
I could tell you about my travels...the view from here....wherever I might be, with photos...!
Or chew the fat over the days and times of our lives...and see where that takes us!
Whatever we discuss, let's make an adventure of it, have some fun and enjoy The View from Here!
PS let's start with a bright blue sky..with just a few clouds, while we search for a clear blue sky!
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